Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Foto Dari https://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/switzerland-ch.htm

Indonesia text by: Aulia Nurul Iman

Matterhorn, puncak tajam ikon Swiss adalah salah satu gunung tertinggi di Pegunungan Alpen. Di perbatasan dengan Italia, puncak legendaris ini menjulang setinggi 4.478 meter, dan keempat permukaannya yang curam menghadap ke arah mata angin. Pendakian pertama pada tahun 1865 berakhir tragis ketika empat pendaki jatuh dan tewas saat turun. Saat ini, ribuan pendaki berpengalaman datang ke sini setiap musim panas.

Di kaki puncak yang perkasa ini, terletak desa Zermatt yang menawan, resor internasional terbaik dengan kereta kuda, vila kuno, dan restoran serta hotel kelas dunia. Untuk menjaga kualitas udara dan suasana damai, kendaraan bermotor dilarang di desa ini.

Di musim dingin, pemain ski dapat menuruni lereng lebih dari 300 kilometer. Di musim panas, berenang dan tenis adalah kegiatan populer, sama hal nya seperti hiking, bersepeda, dan mendaki di sekitar pegunungan. Pada musim panas juga tersedia ski gletser.

English text by: https://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/switzerland-ch.htm

The Matterhorn, Switzerland's iconic pointed peak is one of the highest mountains in the Alps. On the border with Italy, this legendary peak rises to 4,478 meters, and its four steep faces lie in the direction of the compass points. The first summiting in 1865 ended tragically when four climbers fell to their death during the descent. Today, thousands of experienced climbers come here each summer.

At the foot of this mighty peak, lies the charming village of Zermatt, a top international resort with horse-drawn carriage rides, quaint chalets, and world-class restaurants and hotels. To preserve the air quality and peaceful ambience, motorized vehicles are banned in the village.

In the winter, skiers can schuss down more than 300 kilometers of slopes. In the summer, swimming and tennis are popular pursuits, as well as hiking, biking, and climbing in the surrounding mountains. Summer glacier skiing is also available.


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