Monday, October 3, 2022



Foto dari Christmas In Denmark: Tourist Attractions And Things To Do For Christmas Celebration (

Indonesian text by: Josefine Glory A R

     Jika Anda berkunjung ke Copenhagen selama perayaan natal, maka anda harus pastikan memiliki pengalaman ini! Odense adalah bagian kota tempat dirayakannya natal di Denmark dan semua keceriaan dan kebahagiaan yang terkait dengan Odense mengubah situasi seperti abad pertengahan kuno. Namun, pada pasar natal suasana kuno dihadirkan dengan banyak penjual makanan dan sayuran, tetapi tidak semua sayuran dipotong dan dikeringkan di pasaran. Di sana ada banyak pilihan hiburan untuk dinikmati sepuasnya. Jika anda berada disini lebih lama dan masih ingin menjelajahi Denmark selama perayaan natal, maka museum Hans Christian Andersen jawabannya.

Lokasi: Funen, Denmark

Akomodasi: Hotel Odens, Scandic Odense

Acara spesial: Pasar natal.

English text by: Christmas In Denmark: Tourist Attractions And Things To Do For Christmas Celebration (

If you are staying in Copenhagen during Christmas then you must surely have this experience! Odense is that part of the town where Christmas in Denmark and all the frivolity and joy associated with it gets turned into something more medieval and old. But in its Christmas markets, the old-fashioned atmosphere comes with loads of food and a vegetable market. But it’s not all cut and dry over at the market, as there are loads of entertainment options to enjoy your heart’s out. If you are here for longer and want to explore more of Denmark during Christmas, then do check out the Hans Christian Andersen Museum.

Location: Funen, Denmark
Where to stay: Hotel Odens, Scandic Odense
Special events: Christmas markets


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