Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Park Hyatt Zurich – City Center Luxury


Photo from https://www.booking.com/hotel/ch/park-hyatt-zurich.en-gb.html?aid=311984&label=hotel-65114-ch-JQzAvFwlKJKwnatIqwRV5gSM258631061653%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-975582066%3Alp9119688%3Ali%3Adem%3Adm%3Appccp%3DUmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YTQUGSsRwx9_3qo3uPTHyoo&sid=30bb9e8635a75892e0037efd1bf74b67&dest_id=-2554935&dest_type=city&dist

Indonesian Text by: Mimma Anisa Sari

Dapatkan perawatan selebritas dengan layanan kelas dunia di Park Hyatt Zurich – City Center Luxury

Hotel bintang 5 kontemporer ini terletak di pusat kota Zurich, hanya beberapa langkah dari pusat perbelanjaan Bahnhofstrasse yang modis, Danau Zurich, dan Kota Tua. Hotel ini memiliki ruang kesehatan, gym, pemandian uap, sauna, dan ruang perawatan.

Park Hyatt Zurich menampilkan arsitektur avant-garde, seni kontemporer, dan akomodasi yang luas di dalam eksterior kaca yang elegan.

Anda dapat melihat pertunjukkan para koki yang sedang bekerja di dapur Restoran 'parkhuus', melalui 3 sisi kaca yang tinggi. Gudang anggur yang terletak  di lantai 2 yang  menampung 3000 botol anggur dan memiliki tangga spiral yang dapat diakses.

Bar ONYX yang bergaya menawarkan berbagai minuman, sedangkan The Lounge memiliki kursi santai dan sofa yang nyaman, serta perapian terbuka. Sarapan dan makanan ringan, acara minum teh sore hari, dan kopi yang baru digiling lalu disajikan.

Halte Trem Stockerstrasse hanya berjarak 100 m, sedangkan Stasiun Kereta Utama berjarak 1 km dari hotel. Bandara Internasional Zurich berjarak 10 km.

 Fasilitas Terpopuler

 - Tempat Parkir

- Spa

- Pusat kesehatan

- Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan

- Antar jemput bandara

- Ruang keluarga

- Area bebas rokok

- Bar

English text by: https://www.booking.com/hotel/ch/park-hyatt-zurich.en-gb.html?aid=311984&label=hotel-65114-ch-JQzAvFwlKJKwnatIqwRV5gSM258631061653%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atikwd-975582066%3Alp9119688%3Ali%3Adem%3Adm%3Appccp%3DUmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YTQUGSsRwx9_3qo3uPTHyoo&sid=30bb9e8635a75892e0037efd1bf74b67&dest_id=-2554935&dest_type=city&dist=0&group_adults=2&group_children=0&hapos=1&hpos=1&no_rooms=1&req_adults=2&req_children=0&room1=A%2CA&sb_price_type=total&sr_order=popularity&srepoch=1666108314&srpvid=63546f8c495a033d&type=total&ucfs=1&activeTab=main

This contemporary 5-star hotel is located in the heart of Zurich, yet just steps away from the fashionable Bahnhofstrasse shopping street, Lake Zurich and the Old Town. It has a health club with a gym, steam bath, sauna and treatment rooms.

Park Hyatt Zurich displays avant-garde architecture, contemporary art and spacious accomodations within the elegant, glass-fronted exterior.

You can admire chefs at work at the show kitchen of the ‘parkhuus’ Restaurant, which is set within floor-to-ceiling glass on 3 sides. A 2-storey wine library houses 3000 bottles of wine and has its own spiral staircase for access.

The stylish ONYX bar has a variety of beverages to offer, while The Lounge features comfortable lounge chairs and sofas, as well as an open fireplace. Breakfast and light dining, afternoon high tea and freshly ground coffee are served.

Stockerstrasse Tram Stop is just 100 m away, while the Main Train Station is 1 km from the hotel. Zurich International Airport is at a distance of 10 km. 

Most popular facilities

- Parking
- Spa and wellness centre  
- Pets allowed  
- Airport shuttle  
- Family rooms  - Non-smoking rooms  - Bar


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